Today I am coming with something personal.
I have agonized over the decision to make a GoFundMe ( for almost a year.
Putting myself out there asking for support is incredibly challenging for me yet my purpose and calling to keep on assisting all those grand Souls is simply not sustainable anymore.
In short, I help so many people on a daily basis, outside of paid sessions, in major ways, but most would never know because that part of being in service is not something to share on social media.
I live a very simple life and although I have kept myself afloat with less and less, it's gotten increasingly more challenging for me to show up for so many people who truly need the guidance and insights that flows through me while being in my own monetary survival.
Since putting this fundraiser out to people I have gotten so many messages of people struggling themselves (not always money, but often spiritually, health wise, feeling lost etc, etc), especially the ones who hold the light in these profound, yet also quite challenging times.
Many have said that my courage to put this out is giving them courage to reach out to their tribe as well.
In addition, I had deep conversations with many of you who reached out, about our times and also assisting personally so we ALL can keep on going.
And this - is exactly why I started this Fundraiser for me.
To be able to keep being here, outside of paid sessions, for all of you powerful and super important Souls, especially in these times, while seeing how I can do my being in service in a sustainable way for me.
Some have the gift of pure and highest vibrational guidance, some are amazing teachers, sound healers, energy workers, some have money to share... It is time for all of us to share what we can bring in to make this world sustainable, loving, creative, thriving, and livable for all.
May we all be abundantly blessed, with money, with guidance, with strength, with health, with empowerment, with coming together in any way we can support each other through these most important times of Earth.*
Supporting me isn't just with money, it can be of great help to hold the vision in the spiritual realm so it can come in physically.
Sharing this with others is helpful too.
Support can also be to simply read and get a glimpse into what I do on a daily basis, or by leaving a kind comment.
I am looking for a reliable and affordable, self-sufficient home on wheels. If you know of one, that would be helpful too
Thank you so very much! from my heart to yours and big love sent your way.
Gofundme link here:
Donations can also be made on other platforms
PS - Anita Bosby is my bank name - it's me :)