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  • Writer's pictureKassia Golden

New Year's Tarot Reading Offer

2020 is going to be such a potent year. We have prepared for this new year throughout the past years, but especially in 2019. It wasn't always easy, lots was asked of us, but know that this New Year is going to be YOUR year.

As I said before, 2019 we were asked to start building a solid structure, personally, professionally, and health wise. In 2020 we are moving into what we have created so far. Picture it like your very own house model. There will be more to paint, to decorate, to fill in, but we have already come a long way. When I talk to clients, I am in awe of what they have built in the past months.

There will me so much more to do, but I hope you have already experienced how much fun it actually this, this New World creation. There is empowerment like never before. There is healing in warp speed now. Abundance in all ways flows so much easier. Effortless manifestation, along with major synchronicities, all of this is now part of every day life. There is so much more waiting to be created by all of us. This is just the beginning.

Are you wondering what 2020 has in store for you personally?

From December 1st until December 31st I am offering a New Year's Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Reading. After drawing your spread, I will look at your cards intuitively and will email you, along with a photo of your personal spread, a write up of the meaning. The New Year's Tarot Spread is offered on a sliding scale of $22-$44. You can contact me on my website through my email form here if you would like to sign up for your Tarot Card Reading. A simple hello is all I need to get yu started.

Each reading will be send off before January 1st. For requests made after December 27th I will send your reading latest one week after your request has been made.

I am so very much looking forward to what this New Year brings for all of us. As always, you can find me here to book a comprehensive, intuitive Session with me. Wishing you all a gentle, peaceful, and joy-filled Holiday Season.

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